Digestive system and nervous system, an essential connection
Digestive system and nervous system, an essential connection
It's not an English class,
or a nutrition class,
or an emotional intelligence class,
when we say "follow your gut" or "listen to the butterflies in your stomach"
do we do it thinking about how healthy our digestive system is? And, what does that intelligent reaction our body has to emotions mean?
Do you remember that first date, that presentation or that interview? You're still here, that reaction is called fear and it triggers reactions connected between the brain and the digestive system)
After knowing that and the impact of stress on the performance of bodily functions, perhaps it would be better for us to review our value system and priorities at a professional level.
Changing our intention with each emotion or "gut feeling" speaks volumes about our character and our ability to be consistent with our intentions and plans.
It may be a good idea to start with the recommendations against gastritis from Dr. Carlos Jaramillo that I leave in the first comment; For emotional intelligence and intentionality of our plans, the conversation is a little longer.
Do you listen to your gut feeling? How often do you change your mind and plans because of your emotions?